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Coarsening in the random magnet


We are now in a position to come back to coarsening in the random magnet. Each domain wall will experience now a combination of curvature and pinning forces. For simplicity, let us first treat the curvature effect as a uniform external force f per unit area. Then we can come back and make this self-consistent later.

If this external force is small, the domain will typically get stuck in a local potential well, the local restoring forces acting to counterbalance the external force. At strictly zero temperature, this would be the whole story. The configuration of the wall would be frozen and history dependent, and equilibrium would never be reached.

At finite temperature, however, thermal activation can eventually overcome the local barriers. It will definitely do so, since the energy in the presence of the external force is unbounded, i.e.


For small forces, the domain must, however, move a large region (in tex2html_wrap_inline2764 ) over a large distance (in tex2html_wrap_inline2762 ) in order to lower the energy enough to compensate for the change in energy due to disorder.

We therefore expect the motion of the interface to proceed in rather large and infrequent jumps (see Fig. 5). To determine the rate at which these jumps occur, we need to estimate the energy barrier that must be activated over. We suppose a section of linear size L moves a distance tex2html_wrap_inline2632 , since this is the distance needed to get a roughly independent sample. Roughly speaking, the total energy change has two terms,


where the first term is the energy variation due to disorder, and the second is the energy decrease, tex2html_wrap_inline3048 , due to motion in the direction of the field. This has a maximum at a scale


with a maximum energy, i.e. a barrier of




We have certainly been somewhat cavalier in estimating this barrier, so the final result for tex2html_wrap_inline3050 should be taken with a grain of salt. Generally, we would expect a power-law relation such as Eq. 60, but where tex2html_wrap_inline3050 may be more non-trivial. In fact, recent work by several authors suggests that this relation between the barrier heights and typical sample-to-sample energy variations is probably correct. Using Eq. 60, we can estimate an activation time


Figure 5: Creep and coarsening in a random-bond magnet. Domains are compact on large scales, but motion occurs on much smaller scales, due to curvature forces. This motion proceeds via activated jumps of length L and width tex2html_wrap_inline2632 .

This extremely long time-scale (and consequent slow motion of the domain) is known as ``creep''. We can use this result to obtain an estimate for the coarsening scale at time t. Let us now use the fact that the local force tex2html_wrap_inline3060 , the scale of the curvature of the domain. Note that the typical size of the jumping regions satisfies


since tex2html_wrap_inline3062 . This means that many jumps must occur before the curvature changes significantly, and we may therefore indeed treat f as static on the time scale of a single jump. Therefore we can imagine the motion of a domain is governed by a scale-dependent differential equation,


Separating variables, we have


The integral over R is dominated by the largest value of R, so we have


and therefore the coarsening law


This a dramatically slower coarsening than in the pure case! It explains why dirty magnets can fail to reach true equilibrium even on the longest laboratory time scales.

Such logarithmic domain growth has indeed been observed experimentally[7].

You will hear or have heard much more detailed investigations of these issues in the context of aging. Here I have assumed that the coarsening is adequately described by a single time-scale. If the energy barriers involved have even an exponential tail to their distribution, the amplification effect of the activated time-scale can invalidate that assumption and these arguments need to be more carefully reconsidered. The logarithmic growth of domains should, however, be a fairly generic feature.

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Leon Balents
Thu May 30 08:21:44 PDT 1996