Schedule Apr 11, 2007
Copernicanism and the Catholic Church in the Early Seventeenth Century: New and Old Science in Context
Stefania Tutino, UCSB

I will explore some aspects of the relationship between Copernicanism and the Catholic Church in the 1610s and the 1620s. Copernicanism was the main reason of Galileo Galileo's condemndation by the Catholic Church, and the Catholic response to heliocentrism and to the Tuscan scientist has been mainly viewed as a blow by the 'old' and backward intellectual establishment against the new science. But is it really so? By examining in detail how some key Catholic leaders responded to the challenge posed by the new physics and astronomy, I will show that things are not so simple, and I will conclude with some broad considerations on the relationship between science and religion in early modern Europe, and on the impact of science on intellectual debates.

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