2: Inflow and Outflow

The undersigned are co-chairs of the working session entitled, "How does the mass inflow and outflow vary with the mass supply rate?" We envision a balanced session in which both observational and theoretical issues directly related to this question are discussed. A list of the topics that might be covered in this session is given below.

If you have suggestions for additional topics for discussion please forward them to us.

In these working sessions, there are no contributed talks per se. However, if you wish to prepare a few view graphs/short presentation to promote discussion we would appreciate your input. Please indicate if you will be attending this session.

Thank you for your interest and efforts.


Richard Mushotzky and Ronald Taam

How does the mass inflow and outflow vary with the mass supply rate?

Theoretical Issues

I. Disk Variability

1. Structural changes in the disk - associated with changes in the
   optically thick, coronal, advection dominated components

2. Instabilities - magnetic, thermal, viscous, pulsational, radiation

3. Winds or Jets - radiation, magnetically, and shock driven

II. Steadiness of the disk

1. Mass inflow rate as a function of radius/and height

2. Effect of an inner corona or a corona overlying an optically thick disk
 on the overall disk structure

The theoretical questions that we wish to address include,

1. What is the effective viscosity?

2. How does one determine the transition radius separating the
geometrically thin flow from the geometrically thick flows?

3. What type of accretion and wind flows are possible?

4. What is the effect of a corona or of a wind on the existence of
global instabilities?

5. How does one model phenomenon occurring on a timescale shorter than
the timescale over which the global viscosity acts?

6. Does the mass supply and mass and spin of the black hole specify the
 state of the disk or is history of the disk important as well?

Observational issues

I Massive Black Holes
A. Direct Evidence for accretion
Is there any? how to proceed (e.g. what observations can be performed to
provide direct evidence for accretion?)
B. do the present observations place any constraints on models/geometry of
accretion ? (disks, ADAFs etc etc)
C. Is the x-ray Fe spectral line evidence of matter at r<20R(s) robust, and
what does it tell us about accretion rates
D. Is the maser data useful for estimating accretion rates
E. Do we know anything about the origin of the accreted gas (stars, ISM,
etc etc)?
F. Do the broad optical and UV lines (BLR) dynamics provide usable information?

Galactic mass black holes
A. Do the XTE data measure (infer?)  the rate/form of accretion -do we have
any direct measures ?
B. Is there evidence for correlation of accretion rate with other
properties (spectral/temporal)
C. For the superluminal sources what is the distribution of   energy
release between photons, relativistic particles and bulk motion? Is there
direct evidence for extraction of spin energy?
D. What is the relationship between luminosity and accretion
E. What is the meaing of the cross-spectrum and time variablity signatures

Galactic center
Does the inferred measurement of accretion of gas at large radii place
strong constraints on models. ?
Is the galactic center a good model for the many other extragalactic low
luminosity/large mass galactic nuclei?
What are the present set of observations that define this class of objects
and how are they related to accretion physics?

 II Ejection
Massive Black holes
A. Can we estimate the mass ejection rates and the required total energies
from the present data?
B. what are the scales involved in ejection - e.g. where does the material
and the energy originate?

C. what is the driving force behind the ejection (magnetic, radiative, etc

%The above (C.) should be in the theory section - we can move it there. %

D. What is the relative importance and relationship of jets and winds.
E. Are the broad absorption lines (BALS) important in the overall mass flux?

Galactic Black holes

A Is there evidence for ejection in the non-superluminal sources?
B. what is the observational connection between accretion/disk(?) processes
and jets (?

Galactic center(s)
for our Milky way and other "quiescent" MBHs is there evidence for ejection?