3a) Hydro and MHD Drive

Co-chairs: Frank (LSU) and Gammie (Urbana-Ch.)

We plan to have a couple of introductory presentations of ~15 min each just to get the ball rolling. Extensive discussions will follow each presentation. Below are the names of those contributors we have identified so far. Anyone who would like to make a contribution to this session, please sign up and let one of us know whether you'd like to show some viewgraphs, movies, etc. We will conclude this session by drawing up a list of issues/questions to be reported on Friday morning.

The keywords we consider relevant to the main question posed in the title of this "secondary" session are the following: Hydro turbulence vs MHD turbulence, warps, waves, local (e.g. viscosity) vs global processes (e.g. wind assisted torques), mass flow carried by hot/cold components (e.g. corona/disk), and more....

What Hydro and Magnetohydrodynamic Processes drive Accretion onto Black-Holes?

Charles Gammie will open with introductory overview...

John Hawley will summarize MHD simulations and show a  M O V I E ...

Julian Krolik will talk about flow inside the last stable orbit...

Ethan Vishniac will say a few words on reconnection, incoherent dynamo
in disks ...

Sterling Colgate/Hui Li will say something about Rossby waves in disks