Schedule Aug 24, 2006
Analysis and Optimal Control of Electron Dynamics
Prof. Hardy Gross, Freie Univ, ITP & KITP

Two topics will be covered in this lecture: (i) The visualization and analysis of electronic motion by means of the so-called electron localization function (ELF), and (ii) optimal control theory of electronic dynamics. The ELF provides a way to visualize chemical bonds. It is derived from the conditional probability of finding an electron in the vicinity of a point r if one knows with certainty that there is another electron with the same spin at r. The shape of the ELF (as function of r) allows a topological classification of the different types of chemical bonds [1]. Here we generalize the ELF to the time-dependent case [2]. Two movies of the time-dependent ELF will be presented, one that shows the formation and breaking of chemical bonds in a proton-ethylene scattering process and another one that visualizes a laser-induced π-π* transition in acetylene in a time-resolved fashion.

In the context of optimal control we first present two generalizations of the standard formulation [3] of optimal-control theory: The first generalization [4] allows the calculation of optimized pulses with


frequency constraints. The second generalization [5] achieves the optimization of time-dependent control targets. The latter allows one to drag the density of the system along a given trajectory, as shown in the figure above. Finally, some aspects of marrying optimal control theory with time-dependent density functional theory will be discussed.

[1] A. Savin et al, Angew. Chem. 36, 1808 (1997).
[2] T. Burnus, M.A.L. Marques, E.K.U. Gross, Phys. Rev. A (Rapid Comm.) 71, 010501 (2005).
[3] W. Zhu, J. Botina, H. Rabitz, J. Chem. Phys. 108, 1953 (1998).
[4] J. Werschnik, E.K.U.Gross, J. Opt. B 7, S300 (2005).
[5] I Serban, J. Werschnik, E.K.U.Gross Phys. Rev. A 71, 053810 (2005).

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